30 W Spruce Ave, Fresno CA

Open Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm

 (559) 981-5284


At Back on Track Auto, we specialize in the service and repair of Volkswagen vehicles, offering a comprehensive approach to maintenance that keeps your VW running smoothly. Our technicians are proficient with the entire Volkswagen range, equipped with the latest diagnostic tools to address the unique needs of models from the sporty Golf GTI to the family-friendly Atlas. We focus on providing timely and efficient services, from routine check-ups to in-depth repairs, ensuring your Volkswagen adheres to its standards of performance and reliability. Understanding the common issues faced by Volkswagen owners, including DSG transmission quirks and fuel system vulnerabilities, we're committed to delivering solutions that extend the life and enjoyment of your VW. Trust Back on Track Auto for expert Volkswagen care that maximizes your vehicle's safety and driving pleasure.

Common Issues:

Some Volkswagen Models Include:

Jetta, Golf, Passat, Atlas, Tiguan, and more!

Still have questions?

Feel free to reach out to us.